• Gegevens van waterbedrijven voor de Grondwateratlas - Technische rapportage, handleiding GWA Input Validator, protocol updates (in Dutch)

    Kruijne, R., D. van Kraalingen, J. te Roller, A.M.A. van der Linden, 2018. Gegevens van waterbedrijven voor de Grondwateratlas - Technische rapportage, handleiding GWA Input Validator, Protocol updates. Wageningen, Wageningen Environmental Research, Rapport 2854.

  • Manual for FOCUS_TOXSWA v5.5.3 and for expert use of TOXSWA kernel v3.3; User’s Guide version 5

    Beltman, W.H.J., M.M.S. ter Horst, P.I. Adriaanse & A. de Jong (2018).

    The Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment (WOT Natuur &; Milieu). WOt-technical report 126.

  • Comparison of pesticide concentrations at drinking water abstractions points in The Netherlands simulated by DROPLET version 1.2 and 1.3.2 model suites

    Adriaanse, P.I. and W.H.J. Beltman, Comparison of pesticide concentrations at drinking water abstractions points in The Netherlands simulated by DROPLET version 1.2 and 1.3.2 model suites. Wageningen, the Statutory Research Tasks Unit for Nature & the Environment (WOT Natuur en Milieu). Wot-technical report 100, 52 p. Wageningen, The Netherlands.

  • Groundwater Atlas for pesticides in The Netherlands - User Manual

    Kruijne, R., A.M.A. van der Linden, J.A. te Roller and D. van Kraalingen, 2017. Groundwater Atlas for pesticides in The Netherlands - User Manual. Wageningen Environmental Research/WEnR (Alterra), Report 2786. 

  • Hydrolysis and biotic transformation in water in the pesticide model

    Horst, M.M.S. ter; Beltman, W.H.J. ; Adriaanse, P.I. ; Mulder, H.M. (2017)

    Wageningen: Wageningen Environmental Research, (Wageningen Environmental Research rapport 2848)

  • Temperature in water and sediment in the pesticide model TOXSWA: implementation report

    Beltman, W.H.J.; Adriaanse, P.I.; Jacobs, C.M.J.; Mulder, H.M. (2017)

    Wageningen : Wageningen Environmental Research, (Wageningen Environmental Research report 2794) - 67

  • Testing of the Greenhouse Emission Model for a Dutch soilless growing system

    Louise Wipfler, Jos Boesten, Martine Hoogsteen, Ton van der Linden, Erik van Os and Marieke van der Staaij

    Platform presentation

    Conference: Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air - 30th August - 1st September 2017 - University of York, York, UK

  • The effect of the runoff size on the pesticide concentration in runoff water and in FOCUS streams simulated by PRZM and TOXSWA

    Adriaanse, Paulien I.; Leerdam, Robert C. van; Boesten, Jos J.T.I. (2017)

    Science of the Total Environment 584-585 . - p. 268 - 281.

  • Validation of the Greenhouse Emission Model for soilless cultivation

    Ton van der Linden, Martine Hoogsteen, Erik van Os, Louise Wipfler, Jos Boesten

    Poster presentation

    Conference: Pesticide Behaviour in Soils, Water and Air - 30th August - 1st September 2017 - University of York, York, UK

  • Addendum GEM user manual for GEM 2.2.2

    Addendum GEM user manual for GEM 2.2.2

    2016 Addendum GEM 1.1.1 user manual for GEM 2.2.2.pdf