- 2010
Evaluatie Nota duurzame gewasbescherming 2010
- 2010
Modelling water temperature in TOXSWA
- 2010
Stationary flow solution for water levels in open channels
- 2010
Transformation reactions in TOXSWA
- 2009
Interpretation of the mitigation of runoff in the FOCUS Surface Water Scenarios as described in the FOCUS L&M
- 2009
Process description of SurfaceWater - A simplified hydraulic model
- 2009
Transient water flow in the TOXSWA model (FOCUS versions): concepts and mathematical description
- 2008
Development of an assessment methodology to evaluate the use of plant protection products for drinking water production from surface waters
- 2008
Development of an assessment methodology to evaluate the use of plant protection products for drinking water production from surface waters.
- 2008
Documentation update for GeoPEARL 3.3.3.