Alterra-Wageningen UR, Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Ctgb and RIVM are preparing a training course on the backgrounds and use of the Greenhouse Emission Model.
The training is of interest to environmental risk assessors from industry, registration authorities and consultants.
The training is planned for 16 and 17 February 2016 in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Alterra-Wageningen UR, Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Ctgb and RIVM prepared a training course on the backgrounds and use of the Greenhouse Emission Model.
The training is of interest to environmental risk assessors from industry, registration authorities and consultants.
The training was organized on 16 and 17 February 2016 in Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Part of the training was a set of practical exercises. The step by step instructions of these practical exercises can be downloaded here: GEM 2.2.2. practical exercises.